
Profile: So you came here to learn more about me, eh? Hi!! I’m Vyvy! :D *waves arms excitedly* I loooooooove me some delicious food, exciting travel, and Batman in general. Vyvacious.com has evolved and morphed from various concepts along the way just like my three passions listed above but I’m pretty sure I’ve kept the essence of Vyvy the whole way :P My blog now consists of all things Batman, travel adventures, food obsessions, delicious brainiac recipes, dipping my toes into the specialized dessert/catering business, and funny stories ranging from awkward family encounters to the magnificence that heaves forth from the inner abyss of this constantly-creating foodie. I kept noticing a trend, new people would come to my site, immediately read my About page and abruptly skedaddle. I was like “WHAAAAAAAAT?!?! D: You aren’t taking the time to check out any of posts I cooked up in this brainy brain of mine and took time and effort to piece together?! You want to laugh and feel hungry right off the bat when looking at my About page instead of gazing at a wonky informational section I took straight from my Yelp account…?” Well, why didn’t you fucking say so then?! ;) In the beginning, I was worried that my humor or style would offend people so I tried to often unsuccessfully censor myself. And then I realized, so the fuck what? This is who I am, I’m proud of it, not sure why others would judge me for that but hey, if it’s not their cup of tea then please move right along. Otherwise, welcome, my friend, I’ve got a nice spot just for YOU along with a plate of cookies, or cupcakes, or ice cream… Really, anything you want, I got it :) I love seeing people get really excited over my desserts and then also fighting to the (near) death to get more (TRUE STORY). OOOH, now THAT would be an interesting reality TV show!! ;P Now, some of y’all are wondering about the Batman infatuation. Well you’re just going to have to keep wondering as you try to unravel the mystery behind my deep-set love for Batman. Someday I’ll write a fully fledged post about that but today is not that day ;) While I like to keep a light tone to Vyvacious.com, I definitely delve into the tougher subjects too as of late like when I took my first steps after having to learn how to walk again after an ATV accident, struggling with my identity/sense of self after I was supposed to have “recovered,” and even using baking as a coping mechanism to help me through rehab. So don’t worry, there’s something for EVERYONE here!! :D I hope you grab an ice cold beverage, maybe a few of my infamous Ultimate Oreo Truffles, and settle back in your seat as I take you on the overly-albeit-charmingly-descriptive joy ride of a lifetime… ;) See you around, y’all!! :D

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