Obama saved the cold as balls Rose Parade Decorating night

I’m sitting in the dark in my sexy PJs (read:  Batman pants and a VERY flattering long sleeved plaid shirt – oh yes) trying to come up with an amazing title for this post or even an amazing opening…I got nothing.  What does this post contain you may ask?  –> Rose Parade Floats, inside pictures that even my Twitter/Instagram followers haven’t seen, and Obama.  Let me clarify the last part…never mind, read all the way to the end, bitches! ;)

I had a blast volunteering with the Kiwanis family.  It was my first time ever helping out with the Rose Parade Floats!  Oh boy, was I freaking excited!!  So let’s set the scene, it was cold as balls.  COLD. AS. BALLS.  I know most people generally think balls are warm, yes, yes they can be.  Unless if they’re frozen solid.  Sorry boys…  That’s what I imagine when I say that it was cold as balls…because it fucking was!

I danced around and ran sprints in between helping out.  People must have thought I was crazy but alas people think that anyway so it doesn’t really matter, does it?  They know me so well and had me help with the food :)  That doesn’t mean I didn’t sneak off during a break to take some highly illegal pictures of all the Rose Parade Floats in the making!  Just kidding.  They were legal.  I think.

Get ready for a buttload of pictures.  A BUTTLOAD.

Rose Parade Float volunteer event - Kiwanis

It first started with the loading of 500+ kids onto 1o buses.  Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy.  At least we were doing it at 1pm and not 4am like the first shift did…  The walk to Rosemont Pavilion from the parking was cold but not quite balls cold yet.  Beautiful, nonetheless.

Vyvacious || Walk to Rosemont Pavilion

Then I saw the signs for the Rosemont Pavilion Viewing…except I was getting in fo’ free, betches!  The perks of being a volunteer, I suppose :P

View the Rose Parade Floats in the making

And then came my first few glimpses of the floats…

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

I love seeing work in progress.  It’s always so fascinating to me to see where the vision ends up.  And now, some inside scoop!  Y’all ready for better pictures than all those people who paid for the Rosemont Pavilion Viewing?!  I was on the floor, yo!  So exciting! :D

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

As I was walking along, I looked up and found a spaceship!!  I hope it flies around during the Rose Parade :P

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

I would love to slide down that shit…  Wouldn’t you?!

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

Amurrrica!!  Fuck yeah! ;)

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

There was also a food float!  EEEEE! :)

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

And here’s our Kiwanis float!  How awesome! :D

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

It was crazy to see everyone scampering around on the scaffolding like monkeys.

Kiwanis kids volunteering at the Rosemont Pavilion building Rose Parade Floats

Hi.  Do you know where YOUR kid is?

Kiwanis kids volunteering at the Rosemont Pavilion building Rose Parade Floats

Monkeying around the man float of course.  Wait, what?

Rose Parade floats in the making at Rosemont Pavilion

THIS man float.  I’ve affectionately named him so.

While I have no actual pictures of me volunteering (since I was hard at work, yo!), here’s a picture of some fellow Kiwanians slaving away making some pulled pork.  Mmm.

Volunteering at the Rosemont Pavilion

That pulled pork topped some hot dogs.  Twas delicious for sure.  But I upped the deliciousness by suggesting we use Hawaiian Sweet Rolls as buns to aforementioned hot dogs.  Bomb diggity.  Pictures?  Nope.  It went straight in my belly.

I’m never one to turn down a meal though.  So we got fried chicken and waffles – Obama style.

Roscoe's Obama Special = 3 wings + waffle

Obama graced Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles with his presence one day and BAM!  The Obama Special was born!!  Three (fried chicken) wings and a ginormous, delicious-y, fluffy waffle!  Someday, I want them to have a Vyvacious Special.  Not sure what the hell it’d consist of though.  Maybe a cupcake baked inside three waffles…?  I really have no idea.

But I DO know that my next post is in your hands.  That’s right, you! :)  Would you rather an easy peasy recipe for Caramel Flan?  Or maybe a super decadent Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Truffle Brownies recipe is more to your liking?  Or perhaps you’re a freaking rebel and want the recipe for Cheddar Mac & Cheese?!  YOU be the judge, let me know in the comments por favor :)

Until next time, y’all! :P

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40 Responses to “Obama saved the cold as balls Rose Parade Decorating night”
  1. Ira says:

    Great post as usual. I remember decorating a China Airlines float about 10 years ago with the Indian Guides and its an awesome experience. Glad you had fun and super pictures.

    Now, I would vote for all three recipes, but if I had to choose, I would be a rebel and vote for Mac and cheese.


  2. Mark Davis says:

    Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Truffle Brownies recipe, because I like saying all that at once. I won’t be able to make it/eat it, but I don’t think there’s any rule violations if I just lick the computer screen.


    • vyvacious says:

      Mmm, definitely a tasty choice. I used to call it Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Brownies with an Oreo Truffle Layer but that’s EVEN MORE complicated!!

      No rule violations at all! None! :P


  3. jo says:

    Cheddar Mac n Cheese Pleez❗


    • vyvacious says:

      :) +1 to the Cheddar Mac and Cheese Train! So far it’s…

      Cheddar Mac and Cheese: 2 votes
      Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Truffle Brownies: 1 vote
      Easy Peasy Flanniest Flan of All Flans: 0 votes


  4. TJLubrano says:

    Sassy pjs!! I usually wear leg warmers too hehe :) Loooved seeing the pictures! Seems like such a fun day filled with great food! A cupcake baked inside three waffles? This is a MUST see!!

    I’d love to see either the mac and cheese or the brownies. I never ate a proper mac and cheese.

    Ciao Ciao!


    • vyvacious says:

      Bahahaha, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures :) It was!

      Haha, it was the first thing that came to my head. I can’t imagine what a Vyvacious Special would consist of at Roscoe’s :P

      GASP. You’ve never eaten proper mac and cheese…?! I feel the need to fly over there and make you some on the spot! Poor thing…


      • TJLubrano says:

        I know!! You know, mac and cheese has never been on the table here. My mom and dad both cooked stuff from where they were born. When I started to cook more, I introduced new cuisines. However we are not big with cheese or greasy food, so I never tried out making it myself, afraid that no one would eat it :|…but lately I really want to taste it!! A proper one I mean. A bit of fusilli or penne in a dish with cheese on top is NOT mac and cheese…

        I even been singing a mac & cheese song…

        It’s be so cool if we had a private jet!

        Now I want to visit

        (sorry late reply, I was seriously out of it yesterday!)


      • TJLubrano says:

        Whoops! I forgot to delete a part of my sentence there…heheh :)


      • vyvacious says:

        Actually the only mac and cheese my mom has ever made me is the Kraft brand from a blue box with the questionable orange powdered cheese “sauce”. Only recently have I started making these kinds of food :)

        What do you normally eat? Oh man come and visit and I’ll make you some!! :P YES! Mac & Cheese song!! I’m all over that…and I bet David is too… Haha!

        It definitely would be awesome! As long as we didn’t have to pay for it!! :P

        No worries!! :)


      • TJLubrano says:

        Ah! I think I’ve seen the Kraft brand on the international shelf here in the stores. It’s not always around though. I think they switch up the products every now and then. Which is rude. They had mini marshmallows and now…it’s gone -_-

        Ah I mostly grew with my moms cuisine. She is from Sranan (Suriname. Near Brasil) and the Sranan cuisine is a huge mix of Indonesian, Creole, Indian etc. She cooked dishes with mostly with rice, veggies and meat/chicken. Marinated in soy sauce. Nasi, bami…Oh! Also curry is a must haha. I started to throw in more e.g. Italian. :)

        I want some Macaroooonnniiiiii aaaannddd cheeeseeee!! You gotta sing it with a poppy opera voice I think….I wonder what David would sing now haha. :)


      • vyvacious says:

        It’s soooooo weird to me to hear that the Kraft brand of mac & cheese is in the INTERNATIONAL shelf! I love it!! I don’t know why but this reminds me of our massive confusion over trying to figure out everyone’s time zones…haha! What?! No more mini marshmallows?! Blasphemy! Those are my favorite!

        I’m so intrigued… Sounds hearty and delicious, my kinda food! Oooooh, curry!!! *drool* I always like mixing the food up with my family because oftentimes they end up liking it :)

        Hahaha, please record said poppy opera voice (along with your cackle) on your next video because I can’t imagine it…haha. David!!! Hahaha, oh I bet it’d be hilarious!!


      • TJLubrano says:

        Hahahah man! If I go on like this I have a huge list with things I need to record! David probably has his own twist on it…even though he laughed at me breaking glasses…hehehe

        Yes! I grew up with lots of flavors :) *high fives* I should look up some dishes for you. Luckily I found a few online stores that sell the mini marshmallows. We have something that we call “spek” it has the same consistency as a marshmallow when you look at it, but when you eat it, it’s not quite the same. Also, the flavor is different. So rude *sigh*

        I still find the time zones confusing! haha


      • vyvacious says:

        Haha! Oh David. Such a strange guy. Love it!! That was a really funny tweeting session. And when you guys were singing “soft kitty”… HAHAHAHA!!

        Awesome! I am a flavor queen!! Well I try to be :) I would love to get dish recommendations or recipes!

        Oh yay. And…I’ve never heard of that before. Interesting. Omg do you know what I love?!? STROOPWAFLES!!!! <3 my friend gave some to me one time and I fell in love!

        Wanna know something creepy…? Please still be my friend… Haha. I have your timezone (plus other friends of mine around the world) saved in my World Clock function on my iPhone. That way when you say you just has coffee and breakfast I don't get all confused because it's nighttime where I'm at. Haha.


  5. My husband did this once! He still talks about it! The Rose Parade will be on our TV!!! Can’t wait to see your float zoom by!!!! Happy New Year !!!


  6. Olivia says:

    Mac and cheese! Or crock pot recipe, it’s getting cold!


  7. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Hello, Vyv! I’ve been down for the count with the flu for the past few days. But I”m working my way back to the world of the living. This post is so AWESOME! I love the Rose Bowl Parade. I would love to see it live some day but it’s so great that you got to volunteer. I’m assuming part of the reason it’s so cold is because the flowers have to stay refrigerated? I vote for Ghirardelli Brownies. Love, love, love, Ghirardelli Chocolate. Happy New Year!


    • vyvacious says:

      Hello! Oh no! I hope you feel completely better soon!

      Thank you! It was pretty fun. Yes so no heaters are allowed in Rosemont Pavilion itself so they were welcoming to 45 degree weather I’m sure but I was dying and grossly under-dressed for such temperatures.

      Mmm, good choice! I think the Mac and Cheese is still winning by a tad but you never know!


  8. Hey Vyvy! So, totally awesome that you got to experience this! I hear Disney’s Cars Land is doing a float this year. And that Obama order from Roscoe’s, my husband apparently sat in the same seat he did just a week before Obama placed his order. kewl stuff, no?

    Btw, I would appreciate reading about the truffle brownies. I love brownies! Can’t stand chocolate, but I love brownies. odd huh? Have a Happy New Year!!!


    • vyvacious says:

      Hellooo! Thanks, it was pretty exciting for me!

      Oh my goooodness, what?! I hope Mater is on it! I love him!!

      How cool! Maybe your husband can come sit in my seat at work and famous people will come visit me too?! :P

      Ooh that’s another +1 for the truffle brownies, this race is close!! That’s pretty odd but as long as you know what you want, it’s all good! :) Happy New Year to you too!! :D


  9. Anita Mac says:

    Cool inside look at the floats!


  10. Travis says:

    Mac and Cheese!!!!


  11. Hi! Still so amaEd by the obama meal – want so bad (no waffles here) and the rest if the post was awesome too!

    Vote = brownies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!?!!!!!!??!!!!!N


  12. sweetmother says:

    u always post places i’m dying to go and roscoes ckn and waffles is one!!! i will get there by god… lol. xo, sm


  13. That is SO COOL that you worked on the Rose Parade floats! I helped a church do their annual fundraising once (they sell breakfast and bleacher seats for the parade – they make all the money they need for the whole year). But working on the floats?! SO COOL! ee gads!


    • vyvacious says:

      It was pretty exciting! Wow!! Still sounds awesome! I’d love to attend one day. Holy crap!! That a lot of moolah!!!

      Egads indeed!! :P

      Btw, dunno if you saw my reply to your comment. I lived in Delta and loved Covel for their omelet brunch!! :) I still think it’s hilarious that we graduated in the same year AND lived in the dorms and finally “met” through the blogging world! :)


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