My first steps

I’m sure a mother watching her child’s first steps for the first time conveys a multitude of emotions I can’t even begin to describe.

Joy. Happiness. Excitement. Awe. Wonder.

I don’t remember what my first steps as a child were like. I’m sure I clapped my hands and bubbles frothed from my mouth in excitement. Just because I was probably a happy ass baby.

Well yesterday, I experienced my first steps…all over again. After my ATV riding accident that took place Saturday afternoon, I couldn’t move. They transferred me to a backboard and drove me to an ambulance since it couldn’t navigate all those whoop-dee-whoops or potholes that well. Apparently neither could my ATV in soft sand which I realized when I went flying from it.

Full protective gear saved my life. I’m sure of it. I didn’t think it was that bad though because I could still wiggle my feet even though I was in agony. They took me to the closest hospital an hour away. This consisted of a bumpy ass ambulance ride while fully strapped in. My first time.

The first hospital was a bit of a blur. Lots of prescribed drugs and pain. It was all a whirlwind. What I do remember though is the doctor telling me that she’s worried because my sacrum was fractured all the way through and was potentially hanging off the back.

That’s when shit got even crazier. I was helicoptered to UCSD’s trauma center because that was the only place that could take me. They cut off my favorite bra when I got there. Dammit. Victoria’s Secret, I owe you a visit when I get back up on my feet.

Lots of confusion. Lots of doctors and nurses poking and prodding at me. Lots of questions. Lots of haziness.

And then…then they rolled me past my aunt who was with me the whole time (even on the helicopter) and my mom and other aunt who came to see me.

Needless to say, after settling into my room, there were lots of tears. I was still scared but I stayed positive. So many good things had happened to me in the face of all this shittiness. So much for me to be grateful for.

There was a doctor at the scene of the accident. She was able to wrap up my cuts and test my initial movement. Others kept me hydrated, stroked my hair, and held my hand to make me feel better. Complete strangers. I still don’t remember who you all are and couldn’t pick you out in a crowded room but thank you so much for staying by my side.

Thank you to the ambulance guys who talked me through the hour-long ride to the first hospital. Thank you to the super nice people in the helicopter who let me aunt come with me. Thanks for wrapping me in blankets so my puny ass doesn’t freeze to death from my unreasonable perception of cold.

Thank you to the staff at UCSD’s trauma center. I’m still here. But I appreciate every kind word, every encouraging talk, every helping hand. For the most part, I’ve gotten nothing but smiles from all the varied level of nurses and aides.

But most of all, a big thank you to my family who rushed to see me, slept in hard chairs, and tended to me in my time of need. Thank you to my family and friends who texted and called to see how I was going (I only told a handful of people). You know who you are. I love you all.

Yesterday, I took my first steps again. As a reborn person.

It required a lot of assistance from the physical therapist and the use of a walker, but despite how painful it was, those baby steps brought a smile to my tear-stained face. I could walk again. It’ll take a lot of work to get to a point where I can walk on my own but I’ll be darned if those first steps didn’t feel fucking amazing.

If you’ve noticed that I’ve been a little silent on the social media forefront, this is why. I promise to reply to all your comments on my blog too! Super excited about some awards I received! Thanks so much :) I still hope to post but it just may take me a little longer as I’m going to focus on really walking first ;)

Until next time, y’all!! :P

101 Responses to “My first steps”
  1. TJLubrano says:

    Oh noooo Vyvy! :( I knew it was silent on Twitter, but I thought you were still having a good time on your trip. I can not tell you how relieved I am here, but man! What a scare for you and your family. Big hugs and do take it easy okay? And…I also got a minor shock about your VS bra…such rudeness. But I am super glad nothing worse happened. xoxo!


  2. Ira says:

    Wow. I’m glad you are alive! I hope you recover quickly. Even with this traumatic experience, your humor is still there. Nothing can keep Vyvy down. I hope you are not in any pain.


    • vyvacious says:

      Thank you, Ira. Haha I’m glad my humor still came through even if it was ever so slight.

      Unfortunately I am in a lot of pain as my back was broken so I’m currently trying to work my way up to walk again. Those first few assisted steps really put a big smile on my face though! :)


  3. Mark Davis says:

    Glad to hear your okay! Sounds like quite an experience!


  4. twindaddy says:

    Vyvy!! Holy shit!! I’m glad you’re okay! Where are you now?


  5. fransiweinstein says:

    OMG! I have to say, I was wondering where you were. Sounds like an episode on Grey’s Anatomy, for God sake. I am picturing the helicopter landing on the roof of Seattle Grace right now. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery. And lots of cupcakes. Take care.


  6. "HE WHO" says:

    I’m glad it was like an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” and not one of “House”, where they kill you before they cure you. Get well soon!.


  7. gavmomof2 says:

    OMG Vyvy! Thanks for telling us about what happened. You are a trooper and I know that you will be back to your baking in no time! Take care and keep us posted. Feel Better :)


    • vyvacious says:

      Oh, you’re welcome!! Thank you!! :)

      OMG Vyvy! Thanks for telling us about what happened. You are a trooper and I know that you will be back to your baking in no time! Take care and keep us posted. Feel Better :)


  8. Snow Leopard Kitty Kat says:

    I don’t know anyone more brave than you! Keep on being optimistic on a speedy recovery.

    There’s only one chick that can press thru this faster than me … Yup, it’s YOU!

    I can already *see* you up and about! :-)

    Freaken Black Mamba!!!


  9. maedez says:

    Holy frick, Batman! This is so not at all what I expected from the title of your post; not that I know exactly what I was expecting but it wasn’t this. I hope you get better quickly and perfectly. Like, yesterday. I command you. PS-RIP to your Vicky’s bra.


  10. I’m praying for a quick recovery Vyvy… Here’s a big hug for you!! When you’re all done with this recovery, we’re going to VS and I’m going to buy you a new bra!! xoxox


  11. Rest up and get better. The Internet will still be here when you get back.


  12. WHAT IN THE FECK???!!!! i had no idea. damn it, girl. you’re supposed to stay on the feckin’ bike. ugh. well, i’m glad you can walk. period. everything else will come with rest and recovery. good gawd. okay, i’m gonna tweet people to send you wishes and we’re gonna give you a shoutout at the show… i love your cray cray ass, little vyvy – GET HEALTHY. xoxo, sweet mo


  13. Sharon Hanson says:

    Vyvy, Oh, no!!! I was wondering where you were?? I wanted to tell you how much I loved those wonderful cookies you left at my desk the other day. Please heal fast. I will keep you in my nightly prayers for a quick and complete recovery. Hey – if you need some sweets, my daughter and I know this great recipe for Oreo truffle, just let me know. <3


  14. Monk Monkey says:

    You’re so funny. After such an emotional experience and post, you end by saying til next time y’all smiley face!!! You rock!!! Love you’re ok!!!


  15. Monk Monkey says:

    Reblogged this on Monk Monkey and commented:
    I know this funny lady Vyv. She went camping the other day. She is usually all over fb, twitter, igram, blogs, but for days… Nothing!
    I assumed she was off enjoying her trip. It was actually the opposite.
    Read this and be thankful for today and for safety and health. Vyv, Monk Monkey, Doris, Daphne, Jeremy and Desmond are all thinking of you!!!!


  16. Jo says:

    Holy Shiet, Vyvy!!!! You friggin got me all emotional here!!!! I’m so thankful that you are in the clear!! I’m sending you healing mojo from jojo. Heal quickly, my friend, and kick that pain to the friggin curb like Batman! Love ya!


    • vyvacious says:

      Aww, thank you, Jo!!! I really appreciate it!!! Haha I will gladly accept that healing mojo from you, jojo!! :P

      Thank you, thank you! I shall do my best!! Love ya too :D


  17. So sorry. Hope recovery goes quickly! I would bring you some food if I was close. Starting a fund raiser to get you a new bra. Keep us posted please!


  18. Cathy Ulrich says:

    OMG, Vyvy! Bless your heart! I’m sending you love and hugs and healing energy and knowing that everything will be okay soon. I’m a physical therapist and have done orthopedics and sportsmedicine for many years. If there’s anything that I can do or if you have any questions that you think I might be able to help you with, please fell free to email me, Vyv.


    • vyvacious says:

      Oh thank you so much!! I really appreciate every bit of love, hugs, and healing energy you’re sending my way!

      Thank you!! If I have any questions, I’ll definitely email me! I believe they want to ship me to a rehab place soon but still not sure. Thanks again!!


  19. La La says:

    Hey darling finally made it to a computer. I am so sorry. Thank you for being alive. We need to talk soon. Xoxo, much love to you!!!


  20. Heidi Sosa says:

    OMG VyVy..Sharon just told me……. I am sooooo sorry u r going thru this, but soooooo happy u r here w/ us and able to recover…. Even tho I know it will be a very hard and long one :(

    You are so strong and have such a positive attitude I know you will beat this and walk away smiling in the end…

    Take care of urself and I know you will do watevr if takes to get better…. Please let me know if you need anything, work wise or personal…. and as much as we LOVE our V.S. bras…they r replaceable and u r not!

    Take care and stay strong girl xoxo


    • vyvacious says:

      Thank you! I feel very grateful and relieved to still be here :) I am more than willing to put in all the hard work needed to recover. I’m just thankful I was given the opportunity to do so.

      <3 thank you, Heidi :)

      I really appreciate it!! Haha yes, my bra means nothing to me!! Twas just an attempt to lighten the mood! :P

      Thank you, I will!!


  21. becca3416 says:

    Vyv, you kick ass. I admire your attitude and always have. Stay positive, and I am glad you are okay. When you get back to the internets I hope you will help us figure out the blogger meet up location! Everyone wants to meet you!


    • vyvacious says:

      Thank you, Becca! That means a lot to me coming from you!! :)

      Ooh, yes please!! I wanna go to ALL the meet up locations!!! :D oh yay, how awesome!! I’m so excited!!! :)


  22. WOW! First, I am so happy that you’re okay, relatively speaking. It’s VERY good that you were wearing protective gear.

    You have such a good attitude, and that’s a large part of the battle! Please keep us posted.


  23. SocietyRed says:

    Thinking about you and sending love your way. Those first steps must have been amazing!
    Get better soon, we need to have a flourless chocolate tort contest soon!


  24. Ira says:

    Vyvy, I sure hope the hospital know you have a special diet of gourmet foods and deserts and are providing you with this important nutrition you need. Also hope they know you will be reviewing them. Hoping you get out fast.


    • vyvacious says:

      Haha. I certainly don’t get gourmet foods and desserts but I do have a super small selection of foods I can choose from because of my limiting allergies. Haha. No reviews! Just immense gratefulness for all the wonderful nurses and aides that have helped and continue to help me each day!! :)

      I do hope I recover soon too though!


  25. Scott Schifer says:

    Vyvy, sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you feel better soon. Sounds pretty rough, but glad you survied. Is it OK if I pass your blog address around with some of your friends here? You are missed here.

    Scott S.


    • vyvacious says:

      Thank you, Scott. I appreciate your concern. I’m doing better each day.

      I don’t feel comfortable passing out my blog to people at work because I sometimes posts things that aren’t suitable for work and are blocked by the network. I would feel better if you just let people know I’m doing better if they ask how I’m doing.

      Thank you for being so understanding, Scott. Hope to see you and everyone at work again soon.


  26. Reblogged this on Christopher De Voss and commented:
    Bringing back reblog Thursdays…on a somewhat sad note. My Batman, food loving, social media guru has had an accident. But amazingly enough it sounds like she might be okay. (After a lot of hard work.) Everytime she posts on Instagram I get hungry. Please get to walking quickly Vyvacious! I’m in Orlando but let me know if I can help in anyway.


  27. Holy sacrum, girl, you ARE Batman! What a horrible, scary scary thing to go through. I am SO glad you’re doing well and that you were in such good hands after the accident. What a huge relief. Your family and friends must have been bugging. Here’s to many more steps, hopefully pain-free ones and unassisted ones soon. I may have to send you a cake to help you recuperate. Cake has all kinds of healing powers.


    • vyvacious says:

      Hahaha!! That first line cracked me up!! :)

      Thank you so much. I feel extremely thankful and indebted to everyone who has been and continues helping me since that horrid event.

      Yeah they were all freaking out. Haha.

      Oh thank you!! I’m now at a rehab center and hope to me shaking my boo-tay and jumping around like normal soon! :P

      Ooh. That sounds fantastic ;) it really does…


  28. Mary Le says:

    Feel Better Vyvy! :D I miss you!! :(


  29. mabukach says:

    I’m really sorry to hear this, Vy. Get better soon.
    The Dark Vy Rises….


    • vyvacious says:

      Oh thank you, Mike! :)

      Ooh I like the sound of that… Makes me think I just got a nice tan somewhere while sipping on a cold drink while the hot sun revamps me from the inside out. Sounds like heaven :D


  30. Jenna Kvidt says:

    Oh wow! That sounds so horrible, poor girl, but I’m glad you had some great people by your side! Hope you get better soon–sending positive thoughts your way!!


  31. Nika says:

    wow! thank god for the amazing people around you and continue to stay strong <3 i wish you have a speedy and easy as possible recovery! I will be thinking of you and will look forward to seeing you again soon! <3


  32. Colleen says:

    Oh my goodness…=( I just noticed your post on FB, and saw the word “hospital ” and then “rehab”, and just read what you wrote here. What a scary experience… =( I am praying and hoping that you recover soon! Hope that your rehab goes well <3 Sending more positive vibes your way~~ =)


  33. saradraws says:

    What the crap?!? Was running around eating gorgeous food and being gorgeous and hanging out with gorgeous people not enough for you? You had to go and break yourself.
    Lemme guess, totally for attention and foot rubs from attractive people, huh? I’ve done more for less…
    Heal fast. xo


  34. acflory says:

    Bloody hell that’s terrible! I’m thrilled you’re going to come out of this on both feet but I really wish it hadn’t happened. Please keep us updated on your recovery. And keep your chin up, you’re going to good as new. :)


    • vyvacious says:

      Thank you, I wish it didn’t happen either but I’m super thankful that it wasn’t any worse. There were so many other things that could have gone horribly wrong but somehow it all worked out :)

      I will and thank you so much for the encouraging words! :D


      • acflory says:

        Tell you what… when you’re feeling better why not celebrate and take up dancing classes? Maybe ballroom? Break dancing? -hugs-


      • vyvacious says:

        Haha that’s certainly a great motivator! I already know salsa, bachata, tahitian, hula, belly dancing… I like the idea of break dancing but I’m afraid I’ll break my back again, haha! Maybe some hip hop?


  35. Sky Lin says:

    Vyvy, so sorry to hear about what happened. Hope you get back on your feet soon! Which hospital are you at? Grace and I can bring some goodies over.


  36. Mitzie Mee says:

    I didn’t realize that the ATV photo was clickable until now! Oh my gosh! I’m so sad to hear what happened, but also deeply impressed by how you manage to keep a positive and humorous attitude. I really, really hope that you’ll get well soon. Lots of thought from here..


  37. Kareen says:

    Oh my god Vyv, I’m just reading this now. I’m soo glad you’re safe!!!!! I’m sorry to hear about your injuries. I’m glad that there are wonderful people in your lives to take care of you. I know you’re a hell of a strong girl so you’ll get better soon. I’m sure of it. Just know you are missed and loved and I am sending you all my positive vibes so you can get better faster!


  38. gavmomof2 says:

    Just a quick hello – hope you are feeling better :)


  39. Nicole Marie says:

    <33!! I'm so late on this but I hope you are up on your feet and well at this point!!


  40. I am SO late on this! I have been ill myself and so I started blogging again (with all this free time, eep) and I was wondering what you were up to. I really hope you’ve been doing better lately! So sorry to hear about this accident! :(


    • vyvacious says:

      Oh no worries! :) Uh oh, well I hope you feel much better now!!

      Thanks so much, I have been doing so much better. I actually have a post raring to go so expect that in a few days time :)


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