Zombies R Gonna Eat Our BrainZ + Winners Revealed

We’re all going to die.

The zombies are going to rip into us piece by piece and eat our brains.  Your brainz.  Your friends’ brainZ.  My braaainZzZ.

Here’s living (dead?) proof:

Like I said before, we’re going to die.

I went to the Night of the Living Dead Show with my friend, Julio, at the Maverick Theater and I thought we were going to die on the way TO the theater.  I had the brilliant idea of parking in a structure down the street where we grabbed some drinks and then decided to walk over.

We may or may not have gotten a little lost along the way that involved walking through a deserted street to find ourselves passing some creepy desolate houses and a row of (at least 6) cats sitting on a wall watching our every move.  We may or may not have passed through an industrial business-like area that had flickering lights and trucks abandoned on the side of the road like in The Walking Dead TV Series.  We may or may not have ran for a little part of it because we were creeped out.  This is all hypothetical, people.

The show ended up being awesome and trust me when I say I screamed during different parts of the show.  And who wouldn’t, really?

Apparently not Julio.  He who smiles in spite of that demon child standing next to him.  Well Mr. Tough Guy doesn’t look so tough when his hair is getting mussed up, huh?!

Vyvacious || Zombies R Gonna Eat Mah Brainz - Julio

Or maybe I’m just misguided.  Maybe zombies are our friends.  Maybe they’re just really touchy-feely and have hygiene problems hence the blood and sometimes rotten stink.  Maybe, just maybe, they’re hungry and I should give them some of my cupcakes to appease them. See, this one is smiling…sort of…

Alas, I don’t have cupcakes to share with them today.  I just have the Candy Giveaway winners!!  But, I guess, the zombies can have them instead…er…I mean the candy.  The zombies can fight the winners for the candy.  That’s what I meant.  I’m just glad I’m alive so I can follow through with this giveaway :)

Without further ado, here are the…


WINNER #1:  Travis                          PRIZE:  Espresso Belgian Chocolate Bar

WINNER #2:  Stamp. Craft. Pin    PRIZE:  Steak lollipop

WINNER#3:  Travis                           PRIZE:  Dark Raspberry Belgian Chocolate Bar

Congratulations!!  Please shoot an email (VyvaciousEatsATgmailDOTcom) within 24 hours and include your mailing address to claim your prize(s) otherwise I’ll have to pick someone else!  I will put these babies in the mail within the next few days :)  This was a great test run, I learned a lot about giveaways and what to do as well as what not to do :P  Stay tuned, I predict a cupcake giveaway in your future.  WoOoOoOoOoO!!

Until next time, y’all! ;)

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14 Responses to “Zombies R Gonna Eat Our BrainZ + Winners Revealed”
  1. jo says:

    Great blog, Vyvy! Ooo cupcake giveaway!!! 😻


  2. Travis says:

    Vyvy scream? That doesn’t sound like Vyvy…

    Just glad I wasn’t sitting in front of you having my ear drums ruptured… They are still recovering from Big Thunder Mountain.


  3. sylvi says:

    Isn’t it always the best when you give yourself a preview-scare before the actual show? Hahaha.

    I think the creepiest bit you described are the cats sitting at the top of the wall. Don’t get me wrong, I like cats, but street cats are scary. They make creepy dying-like moans and cries in the wee hours of the night. I used to hear them right outside my bedroom window…


    • vyvacious says:

      Haha definitely.

      Yeah they definitely were a peculiar bunch. Luckily they didn’t make any noises, they just stared at us as we passed. Not sure which is creepier… Haha.


  4. YAY!! I won the steak lolli!! Does it taste like steak?? No thanks to the zombies! Love your blog Vyvy!!


  5. Zandelicious says:

    Looks like fun. =)


  6. Ingrid says:

    Oh wow, I feel like a celebrity! Thank you guys for sharing pictures of us and writing that nice review for the Maverick! I’m the blonde, most frighteningly featured in that last photo. Yikes!


    • vyvacious says:

      You should! You’re most welcome! It was super fun!! You did a great job along with everyone else :) I plan on bringing back loads of friends to pack the theater with for other shows :P


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